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By means of this policy, Simec S.r.L., with registered office in via Lago di Misurina n. 70, postcode 36015, Schio (Vicenza, Italy), e-mail, acting as Data Controller (hereinafter referred to as ‘Data Controller’) wishes to inform you about the processing procedure of the personal data that you will provide by browsing this Website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”).

For any clarification, information, exercise of the rights listed in this policy, please contact:
address where to send registered letters with acknowledgment of receipt: via Lago di Misurina n. 70, cap. 36015 Schio (VI).

The Legislative Decree 196/2003, as amended by the Legislative Decree 101/2018, and the EU Regulation 2016/679 set the rules to protect and safeguard individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data and this policy has been drafted in accordance with the new legislative provision.

The policy may be subject to changes following the introduction of new rules, so we invite you to visit this section from time to time to check whether there are any new updates.

The Privacy Policy you are reading refers exclusively to this Website and the Data Controller is not responsible for the methods used to manage the processing of personal data carried out by third-party websites that may be linked through the Cookies section, or through any window-links on the Home page.

According to the law, the processing of personal data is based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, accuracy, purpose and retention limitation, minimization, data integrity, protection of the user's confidentiality as well as the protection of his/her rights.

The Data Controller undertakes to comply with the aforementioned principles and, also for this purpose, informs you that - except for those processing procedures for which the law requires your explicit consent - by browsing this Website, uploading or providing your personal data, you accept and agree to be bound to the terms and conditions set out in this policy. The consent to the processing of data - if given by the user - may be revoked at any time by contacting the aforementioned addresses.

f you are under the age of 16, your consent shall be legitimate only if given or authorized by the person having parental responsibility towards you, in accordance with the provisions of art. 8 of the EU Reg. 2016/679. For those individuals who are located within the Italian territory, the consent is legitimate, under the same conditions as above, even for those individuals who have reached the age of 14.

In any case, we wish to give you some information on the concept of personal data processing and on the subjects who manage them.


By “personal data” we mean all information that could either directly or indirectly allow users to be identified.

Such information, for example, can be: name, address, username, e-mail address and telephone number, or even the IP address of the device used, browsing preferences or information relating to your lifestyle or your hobbies and interests as well as your online shopping preferences.

The personal data processed are those provided voluntarily by the user (e.g. common data such as identification data, telephone number or e-mail address) and those collected by tracking technologies (cookies). The Data Controller processes these data in compliance with the applicable legislation, assuming that they refer to you, or to any third parties who have given you their authorization to process them. With respect to the data of third parties entered in the fields to be filled in on the website, you shall consider yourself as an independent data controller, assuming every obligation and related responsibility of the law about such a matter. In this sense, you are granting the Data Controller the widest indemnity on this matter against any disputes that may arise from any third party involved relating to the processing of their data entered on this Website.

By “processing of personal data” we mean any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or a set of personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.


The “data controller” is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, either individually or together with others, determines the purposes and the means of processing personal data. He/She is also in charge of safety profiles.

With regard to this Website, the Data Controller is the company specified and identified above, and if you need any clarification or exercise of your rights, please contact them to the following email address:


The “data processor” is the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.

With regard to your personal data provided while browsing this Website, the Data Controller has appointed Google Analytics as the data processor, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 28 of the EU Reg. 2016/679.

For further information please contact:


On this Website, data are collected electronically and processed through operations carried out mainly with the aid of electronic tools, also making sure that suitable measures for the safety of the data processed are taken and guaranteeing their confidentiality. Specifically, data processing is carried out by minimizing the use of sensitive personal data.

Your personal data shall be processed by collaborators and/or employees of the Data Controller as managers or processors, within the scope of their respective functions and in accordance with the instructions given by the Data Controller.


The processing of personal data relating to the services of the Website takes place at the Data Controller’s place specified above and shall be handled exclusively by authorized personnel.

Your personal data may be disclosed to Judicial Authorities and Police Forces only in the cases in which this is required by law and used by the Data Controller for the purposes of any defence of their rights in court, where strictly necessary.

The collected data will not be disclosed. However, for the actual execution of the requested service, some data will be shared with external parties, appointed as data processors pursuant to art. 28 of the EU Reg. 2016/679, in charge of carrying out specific tasks on behalf of the company (e.g. web agencies, freelancers, etc.). The Data Controller undertakes to protect the security of personal data by adopting all the IT and physical measures necessary for the protection of the personal data provided. No security system guarantees this protection with absolute certainty, therefore, except in cases of liability due to fault, the Data Controller shall not be deemed to be liable for actions accomplished by third parties who may illegally access the systems without the necessary authorizations.


  • providing Services through the Website, allowing you to contact the Data Controller for information related to the Data Controller's activity, to request information regarding the products or services displayed or described online on the Website, and providing you with any other Service or information you may require and available to the Data Controller. Filling out the various enquiry forms shall not be considered for the Data Controller any takeover of legal obligations, nor any formal start of a pre-negotiation. For the processing of common data of third parties given when filling out the form, the Data Controller shall process these data in compliance with the applicable legislation, assuming that they refer to either you or to third parties who have expressly authorized you to provide them on the basis of an appropriate legal basis that legitimizes the processing of the data involved. With respect to these hypotheses, you shall act as an independent data controller, taking over all the obligations and responsibilities set forth by the law. As far as this is concerned, you undertake to give the widest indemnity with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damage from processing, etc. that should be made towards the Data Controller by any third party whose personal data have been processed by filling out the form (purposes of “Provision of the Service”). The data processed are common data. The Data Controller invites the user not to enter confidential data (concerning for example their health conditions, be it physical or psychological, political or religious orientation, etc.) unless strictly necessary for the purpose of requesting information or purchasing products;
  • sending you marketing communications, promotions and advertisements, including through the e-mail address that you entered in the newsletter and / or in the fields filled out (purposes of “Marketing”). The data processed are common data;
  • sending you marketing communications via e-mail regarding products and services similar to those you purchased through the Website, or for the management of technical and analytical cookies on the Website (“Soft Spam”). The data processed are common data;
  • sending you commercial communications in line with your preferences (“Profiling”)
  • statistically monitoring the turnout to the site in aggregate format(“Analysis”);
  • fulfilling legal obligations that require the Data Controller to collect and/or further process certain types of personal data (purposes of “Compliance”). The data processed are common personal data;
  • preventing or identifying any abuse in the use of this Website, or any fraudulent activity and therefore allowing the Data Controller to defend themselves in court (purposes of “Abuse and Fraud Prevention”). The data processed are common personal data.


The legal basis for the processing of personal data provided by you through navigation is:

  • Provision of the Service: the fulfilment of contractual or pre-contractual obligations pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter b). Processing for this purpose is necessary in order to be able to provide you with the requested service (for example requesting information relating to the products or services of the Data Controller) and to answer to your questions or enquires. It is not mandatory to provide the personal data requested, however failure to indicate them does not allow the requested service to be provided and therefore to fulfil any enquires. As for the e-mail address entered in the contact form, it is not mandatory to provide your data (e-mail address), however failure to provide the e-mail address will not allow to subscribe to our newsletter. You can always - and at any time - revoke your subscription by unsubscribing from the newsletter using the appropriate link at the bottom of the newsletter or by writing to
  • Marketing: the consent pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a). The activity is also carried out through the newsletter (if the service is active) with promotional content. It is not mandatory to give your consent for Marketing purposes, and you can always revoke it at any time without any consequence (other than not receiving any marketing communication any longer) by writing to
  • Soft Spam: the legitimate interest pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter f) of the Data Controller in sending you products similar to those already purchased and therefore in line with your interests. You can object to this processing at any time by writing to without any consequence (other than not receiving any promotional communication any longer);
  • Profiling: the consent pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a). The activity is carried out by applying profiling cookies. The data processed are common data. You can object to this processing at any time by writing to without any consequence.
  • Analysis: the legitimate interest pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter f) of the Data Controller;
  • Compliance: the fulfilment of a legal obligation pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter c). The processing for this purpose is necessary for the Data Controller in order to fulfil the legal obligations set forth by the legislation, including those specific for certain sectors, such as fiscal, tax or other obligations.
  • Abuse and Fraud Prevention: he legitimate interest pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, letter f). Processing for this purpose serves exclusively the purpose to allow the Data Controller to prevent and/or identify any fraudulent activities committed through the Website and therefore defend themselves in court.


Data processed to fulfil legal obligations shall be kept until such obligations are fulfilled, and in any case for a period of time necessary to demonstrate the fulfilment; the data processed to fulfil contractual purposes shall be kept up to their fulfilment and, if a contract is signed or if there are pre-contractual negotiations, for ten years from the date in which the contract was signed in order to allow any judicial or extrajudicial protection and to demonstrate the correct fulfilment of the obligations taken according to the contract. The data processed for marketing and profiling purposes shall be kept until the consent is revoked by the party involved.

With regard to the activity of commercial communications of soft spam via e-mail and for the management of technical and analytical cookies, data shall be kept until the party involved will oppose it, whose procedure shall be followed in the manner indicated below, or for the processing based on consent, up to when such a consent is revoked. Data processed for Compliance purposes shall be kept for the period of time indicated by the specific legislation.

Data processed for the purposes of Abuse and Fraud Prevention shall be kept for the time strictly necessary to allow the Data Controller to defend themselves in court.


The personal data you provide may be disclosed to the Data Controller and/or any appointed data processors.

Any additional categories of recipients who may become aware of your personal data during or after the execution of the contract are:

  1. entities who process data to fulfil specific legal obligations;
  2. consultants and external professionals who provide functional services, deriving from or connected to the aforementioned purposes (e.g. marketing activities), identified in writing and to whom specific written instructions have been given with reference to the processing of personal data;
  3. entities with whom it is necessary to interact to provide the requested services (e.g. hosting providers, credit institutions);
  4. persons authorized by the Data Controller to process personal data necessary to carry out activities strictly related to the provision of the Services, who are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees of the Data Controller);
  5. in general, all those public and private entities for which communication is necessary for the correct and complete fulfilment of the indicated purposes;
  6. entities or organizations to which it is mandatory to communicate data for the purposes of Compliance, prevention of abuse and fraud, or by order of the authority.


Without prejudice to your specific written request, or specific order of the Judicial Authority/regulatory obligation, the personal data you provide are not subject to disclosure.


To provide certain services, personal data may be transferred to organizations or third countries, where the hosting servers or suppliers are located.

Should this event occur, the Data Controller ensures that the processing of your personal data by these recipients is made in compliance with the applicable legislation on applicable data protection, including the European and Italian legislation to which we are subject. Where required by the European data protection legislation, the transfer of your Data outside the European Union shall be made on the basis of adequate guarantees (such as the standard contractual clauses of the European Union for the transfer of data between EU countries and countries outside the EU) and/or other legal bases under the EU legislation.

For further information please contact

This Website also processes your personal data through cookies. For further information on this topic, please read our Cookie Policy, which is an integral part of this Privacy Policy.


Chapter III of EU REG. 2016/679 lists the user's rights.

The Data Controller wishes to inform you of the existence of specific rights, including that of obtaining confirmation from the Data Controller, or not, of the existence of your personal data (or access), their availability in an intelligible form, as well as their rectification or cancellation, or of limiting their processing in whole or in part or opposing such processing for legitimate reasons and/or revoking consent to the processing at any time (without prejudice to the consequences referred to in paragraph 5 above), or of requesting the portability of your data as regards the data subject to specific consent, or their update. As a ‘concerned party’, you also have the right to request the transformation into anonymous form, the limitation or blocking of data processed against the law; you can also make a complaint regarding the unauthorized processing of your data to the Personal Data Protection Officer following the procedure published on the website of that authority (please refer to You also have the right to know the origin of the data, the purpose and methods of processing, the logic applied to the processing, the identification details of the Data Controller and the subjects to whom the data may be communicated.

Requests relating to the exercise of the aforementioned rights may be sent to the Data Controller, to the addresses specified above, without formalities or, alternatively, using the form provided by the Personal Data Protection Officer available on the Website:

Likewise, should the law be breeched, you shall have the right to make a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Officer, as the authority responsible for monitoring the processing in Italy. The form for submitting a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Officer, can be found at:

To exercise one or more of the aforementioned rights, please contact us to the following e-mail address:


The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the following Cookie Policy, which includes the rights that, as a user, you can exercise by contacting the addresses already indicated therein.

Pursuant to art. 13 and 14 of GDPR as well as on the basis of the provisions set forth by the ‘Personal Data Protection Officer’ with the resolution of 08.05.2014 for the identification of the simplified procedures for informing and acquiring the consent to the use of cookies - published in the Official Journal no. 126 of 03.06.2014 - and in compliance with all subsequent clarifications, by means of this policy the Data Controller provides their own Cookie Policy.

The Cookie Policy aims at providing you with all the information as well as describing in a specific and analytical manner the characteristics and purposes of the cookies installed on the Website, with the possibility for you to select/deselect which cookies you wish to accept or not.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small code strings that the sites that you visit send to your computer (usually to the browser: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.), where they are stored before being re-transmitted at each occurrence or subsequent access to these sites by the same user.

Why are they useful?

Through cookies, the Website recognizes your computer and this leads to an improvement in the browsing experience. The different purposes of cookies include allowing you to effectively browse between the pages of the Website, remember your favourite sites, memorize the language, etc.

How do you enable or disable cookies?

By changing the settings of your browser, cookies can be limited or blocked. To manage cookies, please refer to the information provided by your browser through the following paths (relating to the most common browsers):

If you use multiple browsers, the procedure for deleting cookies must be carried out for each of them. If you use different devices (such as smartphones or tablets), to uninstall cookies, please refer to the settings of your device.

It should be noted that if you choose to stop receiving cookies, this may compromise or prevent the proper functioning of the Website as some cookies are strictly necessary for browsing.

How many types of cookies are there?

Cookies are classified into different types:

  • based on their DURATION, cookies can be either ‘session’ cookies (automatically deleted when the browser is closed) or ‘persistent’ cookies (enabled until their expiration date or until users delete them)
  • based on their ORIGIN, cookies can be either ‘first-party’ cookies (sent to the browser directly from the website you are visiting) or ‘third-party’ cookies (sent to the browser from other websites and not from the website you are visiting);
  • based on their PURPOSES, cookies can be either ‘technical’ cookies or ‘profiling’ cookies. ‘Technical’ cookies include navigation, indispensable, performance, process or safety cookies; functionality, language preference, session status cookies are also considered as ‘technical’ cookies; and first-party or third-party statistical-analytical cookies with IP masking, without data crossing, are considered as ‘technical’ cookies too. Your prior consent is not required for the installation of ‘technical’ cookies. On the other hand, third-party statistical-analytical cookies that use the whole IP address are considered as ‘profiling’ cookies; in addition, advertising, promotion, tracking or conversion cookies are considered as ‘profiling’ cookies as well. Your prior consent is required for the installation of ‘non-technical’ cookies.

What cookies does this Website use?

Technical cookies:

The Website uses ‘technical’ cookies, without which some operations would be very complex or impossible to perform. Technical cookies do not require your prior consent for the purpose of their installation or reading of information.

These are technical cookies, the so-called strictly necessary cookies, that allow you to effectively browse the Website and take advantage of its essential features, such as storing previous actions. By blocking the use of these cookies, your browsing experience may be compromised and some essential services may not be provided.

The Website also uses technical cookies, the so-called functional cookies, that allow you to improve your browsing experience.

The Website may also have installed technical cookies for storing consent. It is advisable not to block these cookies which allow the Data Controller to know whether or not you have given consent to the use of cookies.

On the pages of the Website there are pbuttons and widgets of Social Networking Sites pto facilitate interaction with social platforms and share content directly from the pages of this website.

In particular, on the pages of this Website there are Instagram sharing buttons in order to improve the user's browsing experience by sharing content on Social Networking Sites.

La The management of the information collected by third parties is governed by the relevant policies to which reference must be made for any clarification. The Data Controller shall not be deemed to be responsible for the operation of third-party cookies/plugins on their own website.

Analytical cookies

The ‘analytical’ technical cookies used on this Website do not determine the processing of personal data (such as the user's name and surname, or IP address) since the data are collected in an aggregate form for mere statistical purposes and the website owner has adopted suitable measures for reducing the identifying power of the analytical cookies used (for example, by masking significant portions of the IP address).

Type of cookie and owner Technical name of cookies Operation and purpose Duration
Functionality /
cookie_consent_user_accepted This cookie indicates that the cookie banner has been closed. 2 months
Functionality /
cookie_consent_user_accepted This cookie stores the user's cookie preferences. 2 months
Analytical /
_ga This cookie is used to store and count pageviews. 2 years
Analytical /
_ga_ZLXEGG6B2W This cookie performs analytical activity in an aggregate statistical format. 2 years
Analytical /
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. At the end of the session
Analytical /
_hjFirstSeen This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. At the end of the session
Analytical /
_hjSessionUser_2894108 Set when a user first lands on a page. 1 year
Analytical /
_hjSession_2894108 his cookie ensures subsequent requests in the session window are attributed to the same session. At the end of the session
Analytical /
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample his cookie is set to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit. At the end of the session
Analytical /
_hjIncludedInSessionSample This cookie is set to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit. At the end of the session

Third party cookies:

This Website also uses third-party cookies that you can accept by clicking on ‘Accept’ in the banner that you find when you first open the website.

Third-party cookies used on the Website are not controlled directly by the Data Controller and, as a consequence, to disable them or if you need any further information, you will need to follow the procedures indicated below at the following links:

Alternatively, you may also express your preferences by clicking on:

For the complete list of cookies, please refer to the Consent management platform (CMP) installed and available upon first access to the site.